Saturday, 29 November 2008
Nasty needles and christmas trees!
Tuesday, 28 October 2008
Indoor playground?!

Mummy bought me this new outfit at the weekend. Unfortunately she didn't really think it through properly as it's mainly white in colour and I love orange food, uh-oh.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008
My holiday in France

And when Daddy drinks wine at lunchtime he becomes very, very happy.....

......ride on swings.....

Monday, 15 September 2008
I'm on the move - well, a little bit!
I just had to write to let you know that I managed to pull myself down a slide on my tummy today. Not once, but FOUR TIMES!! And I didn't have my usual crying fit, I actually was very very pleased with myself when I got to the bottom and asked for 'MORE"! I've been having physio twice a week lately and it seems to be paying off. I'm much stronger now, I just have to work on holding my head up for a bit longer. Do you know what evil Mummy did yesterday? She made me watch a whole episode of In The Night Garden on my tummy so I had to keep my head up. Honestly, I just want to watch Upsy-Daisy in peace.
I'm flying to France on Wednesday so will have lots of exciting stories to tell when I get back.
Monday, 8 September 2008
A weekend in Phuket
Daddy had a meeting in Phuket on Friday so Mummy and I decided he wan't allowed to go on his own and joined him.
We stayed at the Indigo Pearl Hotel on Nai Yang beach. Daddy had to go to his meeting as soon as we got to the hotel, so Mummy took me down to the beach - she said she wanted to show me the

She met an 'old friend' called Mr Kobi and he persuaded her to have a few gin and tonics. We then went back to the hotel for an afternoon nap - mummy needed it more than me.
Although it rained for most of the weekend I managed to get to the beach for an hour and try out my new beach tent.

I liked Phuket very much and think I'll be going back there very often!
Bird Park and Raffles
Unfortunately the Raffles Hotel only had posh high-chairs. Incase you didn't know, I am very fussy about high-chairs. I am very happy to sit in the cheap white ones from Ikea but hate any chair that comes higher than my back. Strange but true. So I thought I might have to ruin Mum and Dads tea as there was no way I was going to sit in that chair while they tried to feed me cucumber sarnies. Luckily the head waiter noticed my distress and decided that I was the cutest baby he'd seen for a while and took me for a walk to meet all of the other waiters.

Friday, 29 August 2008
I must apologise for the lack of photos in this post, I have been promised that we will be going shopping for a new camera tomorrow so you will be able to see pictures of my beautiful face again!
This week I have visited the Botanical Gardens twice. Mummy was so impressed with it at the weekend that she took me back there again yesterday on her own. She was very silly and forgot to wear insect repellant and had her ankles eaten. Haha I didn't get bitten at all, I don't think mosquitos like the taste of me as I haven't been bitten at all since I've been out here.
Today I had another physio session with Shalini. Mummy thinks she's great but I think she's evil. She made me go down a slide on my front 3 times. I spent the whole hour screaming in protest but Mummy thinks it is doing me good and helping me build my muscles.
We are visiting the Indigo Pearl in Phuket this weekend. Mummy and Daddy have been telling me about what a great place it is and how I'll love the beach. I'm packing my beach tent and bucket and spade. Mummy and Daddy are hoping the hotel has a baby-sitting service.
Then on the 17th Spetember I am going on a long flight to France to see Nana, Grandad, Grandma and Grandpa, oh and Uncle Jay and my Sandy dog!
Can I please make a plea to Nana Scammell? I haven't had any white chocolate buttons since I got here......please can you bring some to France for me........but don't tell Mummy and Daddy, they think they are bad for my teeth.
I had to have my BCG injection when I got to Singapore and the lump it left has gradually been getting bigger and bigger over the last few months and it actually exploded yesterday (sorry if you're eating whilst reading this) and it's really really painful. Oh yes, another plea to Nana Scammell - please can you bring some Nurofen Orange sachets to France too? I think they are yummy and they send me to sleep which Mummy thinks is a bonus.
I finished my Kindermuzic course today and got my first ever certificate! I've loved going every Friday, banging on drums, shaking bells, dancing (well Mummy was dancing, I was being carried). I hope I get to go again as I really loved it. Mummy has said that I need to walk before I can go again as her back will break if she has to carry me any more.
That's all my news for this week - Ill make sure that there are some photos of me on here soon, enjoying the sun (it's rainy season) in Phuket. Byeeeeeeeeeee.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
My new home
My Mummy apologises for not updating this page for a long time. She doesn't have a camera at the moment so had to get Daddy to use his camera phone so we can show you our new home.
I've been here 2 days now and there's been a lot of unpacking going on around me and loads of moving boxes - mainly into the spare room so I hope noone is planning to stay here soon. It's official, my parents are hoarders!
The floor is all shiny and hard and I really don't want to hit my head so I spend a lot of time on my shaggy rug.

Mummy and Daddy are taking me for a swim in the pool tomorrow - hooray I love swimming! This photo only shows half of the swimming pool - it's huge.
Mummy says she'd have an asthma attack if she had to swim one length of it. Daddy says they'd send the whale rescue team to the pool if he got in it.

Mummy thinks I'm spoilt but I can't help it if people think I'm worth spoiling.
I definately approve of my new room because I have had no problems sleeping in there at all ( Mummy says PHEW!).
I borrowed Daddy's camera earlier to catch Mummy doing what she does best.........

Yes, that's right, she found the wine shop yesterday and I don't think this lot will last for long.
Mummy (whilst sober) has promised that she will update my blog a bit more often in future so please come back soon!
Saturday, 28 June 2008
We've arrived!

Mummy says you can tell the difference from behind - well what use is that, I can't see it?
We are staying in a serviced apartment until we find a permanent home. I like it because it has nice soft carpet - unlike the rough, dog-hair covered carpet in my old house. But all I hear is Mummy moaning about the size of the kitchen. I don't see the problem, do you?
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
My trip to Boston
The airplane was brilliant, I didn't stop smiling for the entire 6 hour flight and the other passengers on the plane kept telling my Mummy and daddy how well-behaved I was.

Then when we get back from France I'll be preparing for the big move - I've already been reading up on my new home....

Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Hello and Welcome!

We are flying to Boston next week to visit Auntie Lucy. I haven't been on an airplane before and can't decide if I will scream all the way there or sleep. I'll let you know what I decide. This is me with Auntie Lucy last summer when it hadn't occured to me that hats can actually be removed from my head.
Watch this space, there will be new photos of me with Auntie Lucy coming soon!